Current position: NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of California, Berkeley, 2014 - Ph.D. Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
Wesleyan University, 2003 - B.A. Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Chemistry
Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol, Instrumentation
I work to develop and improve in-situ instrumentation to better study the sources and formation pathways of atmospheric particulate matter. By collecting and analyzing the specific organic compounds in particulate matter, we are able to track the co-variance of compounds in order to develop source profiles and therefore better understand where these pollutants come from. I focus on improving the time-resolution and extent of compounds measured, with the goal of studying compounds found in more aged air, which make up a significant fraction of all particulate matter. I intend to apply this knowledge to a study of the interaction between anthropogenic and biogenic emissions, which combine in atmosphere to increase particulate formation.
Zhang, H., D.R. Worton, S. Shen, T. Nah, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, K.R. Wilson, A.H. Goldstein, Fundamental Time Scales Governing Organic Aerosol Multiphase Partitioning and Oxidative Aging, Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02115, 2015.
Xu, L., H. Guo, C.M. Boyd, M. Klein, A. Bougiatioti, K.M. Cerully, J.R. Hite, G. Isaacman-VanWertz, N.M. Kreisberg, C. Knote, K. Olson, A.l Koss, A.H. Goldstein, S.V. Hering, J. de Gouw, K. Baumann, S-H. Lee, A. Nenes, R.J. Weber, and N.L. Ng, Effects of anthropogenic emissions on aerosol formation from isoprene and monoterpenes in the southeastern United States, Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1417609112, V112, no. 1, 37-42, 2015
W. W. Hu, P. Campuzano-Jost, B. B. Palm, D. A. Day, A. M. Ortega, P. L. Hayes, J. E. Krechmer, Q. Chen, M. Kuwata, Y. J. Liu, S. S. de Sá, S. T. Martin, M. Hu, S. H. Budisulistiorini, M. Riva, J. D. Surratt, J. M. St. Clair, G. Isaacman-Van Wertz, L. D. Yee, A. H. Goldstein, S. Carbone, P. Artaxo, J. A de Gouw, A. Koss, A. Wisthaler, T. Mikoviny, T. Karl, L. Kaser, W. Jud, A. Hansel, K. S. Docherty, M. R Canagaratna, F. Paulot, and J. L. Jimenez, Characterization of a real-time tracer for Isoprene Epoxydiols-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol (IEPOX-SOA) from aerosol mass spectrometer measurements, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 15, 11223-11276, doi:10.5194/acpd-15-11223-2015, 2015
Isaacman, G., Kreisberg, N. M., Yee, L. D., Worton, D. R., Chan, A. W. H., Moss, J. A., Hering, S. V., and A.H. Goldstein, On-line derivatization for hourly measurements of gas- and particle-phase Semi-Volatile oxygenated organic compounds by Thermal desorption Aerosol Gas chromatography (SV-TAG), Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 4417-4429, 2014
Kreisberg, N. M., Worton, D. R., Zhao, Y., Isaacman, G., Goldstein, A. H., and Hering, S. V. Development of an automated high temperature valveless injection system for on-line gas chromatography, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 7, 4431-4444, 2014
Worton, D. R., Isaacman, G., Gentner, D. R., Dallmann, T. R., Chan, A. W. H., Ruehl, C. R., Kirchstetter, T. W., Wilson, K. R., Harley, R. H., and Goldstein, A. H.. Lubricating oil dominates primary organic aerosol emissions from motor vehicles. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (7), pp 3698–3706, 2014.
Zhang, H., Ruehl, C. R., Chan, A. W. H., Nah, T., Worton, D. R., Isaacman, G., Goldstein, A. H., and Wilson, K. R. OH-Initiated heterogeneous oxidation of cholestane: A model system for understanding the photochemical aging of cyclic alkane aerosols. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117 (47), 12449-12458. 2013.
Zhao, Y., Kreisberg, N. M., Worton, D. R., Isaacman, G., Gentner, D. R., Chan, A.W.H., Weber, R.J., Liu, S., Day, D.A., Russell, L.M., Hering, S.V. and Goldstein, A.H. Sources of organic aerosol investigated using organic compounds as tracers measured during CalNex in Bakersfield. Journal of Geophysical Research,118(9), 11388–11398. 2013.
Gentner, D. R., Worton, D. R., Isaacman, G., Davis, L. C., Dallman, T. R., Wood, E. C., Herndon, S. C., Goldstein, A. H., and Harley, R. A. Chemical composition of gas-phase organic carbon emissions from motor vehicles and implications for ozone production. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (20), 11837-11848. 2013.
Zhao, Y., Kreisberg, N. M., Worton, D. R., Isaacman, G., Weber, R. J., Liu, S., Day, D. A., Russell, L. M., Markovic, M., Vandenboer, T., Murphy, J. G., Hering, S. V., and Goldstein, A. H. Insights into SOA formation mechanisms from measured gas/particle partitioning of specific organic tracer compounds. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (8), 3781-3787. 2013.
Ruehl, C. R, Nah, T., Isaacman, G., Worton, D. R., Chan, A. W. H., Kolesar, K. R., Cappa, C. D., Goldstein, A. H., and Wilson, K. R. The Influence of molecular structure and aerosol phase on the heterogeneous oxidation of normal and branched alkanes by OH. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 117 (19). 3990-4000. 2013.
Hayes, et al. Organic aerosol composition and sources in Pasadena, California during the 2010 CalNex campaign. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 118 (16), 9233-9257. 2013.
Chan, A. W. H, Isaacman, G., et al. Detailed chemical characterization of unresolved complex mixtures in atmospheric organics: insights into emission sources, atmospheric processing and secondary organic aerosol formation. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 118 (12), 6783-6796. 2013.
Gentner, D. R., Isaacman, G., Worton, D. R., Chan, A. W. H., Dallmann, T. R., Davis, L., Liu, S., Day, D. A., Russell, L. M., Wilson, K. R., Weber, R., Guha, A., Harley, R. A., Goldstein, A. H: Elucidating secondary organic aerosol from diesel and gasoline vehicles through detailed characterization of organic carbon emissions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 109 (45), 18235-18236 doi:10.1073/pnas.1212272109 PDF
Isaacman, G., Chan, A. W. H., Nah, T., Worton, D. R., Ruehl, C. R., Wilson, K. R., Goldstein, A. H.: Heterogeneous OH Oxidation of Motor Oil Particles Causes Selective Depletion of Branched and Less Cyclic Hydrocarbons, Environ. Sci. Tech., 46, 10632-10640, doi: 10.1021/es302768a, 2012. PDF
Isaacman, G., Wilson, K. R., Chan, A. W. H., Worton, D. R., Kimmel, J. R., Nah, T., Hohaus, T., Gonin, M., Kroll, J. H., Worsnop, D. R., and Goldstein, A. H.: Improved resolution of hydrocarbon structures and constitutional isomers in complex mixtures using Gas Chromatography-Vacuum Ultraviolet-Mass Spectrometry (GC-VUV-MS), Anal. Chem., 84, 2335-234, 2012. PDF
Worton, D. R., Gentner, D. R., Isaacman, G., Goldstein, A. H.: Embracing Complexity: Deciphering Origins and Transformations of Atmospheric Organics through Speciated Measurements, Environ. Sci. Tech., 46, 5265-5266, doi: 10.1021/es301199y, 2012. PDF
Worton, D. R., Kreisberg, N. M., Isaacman, G., Teng, A. P., McNeish, C., Gorecki, T., Herin, S. V., and Goldstein, A. H.: Thermal desorption comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography: an improved instrument for in-situ speciated measurements of organic aerosols, Aerosol Sci. Tech., 46, 380-393, 2012
Isaacman, G., Kreisberg, N. M., Worton, D. R., Hering, S. V., and Goldstein, A. H.: A versatile and reproducible automatic injection system for liquid standard introduction: application to in-situ calibration, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 1937-1942, doi:10.5194/amt-4-1937-2011, 2011. HTML
Isaacman, G., Worton, D. R., Kreisberg, N. M., Hennigan, C. J., Teng, A. P., Hering, S. V., Robinson, A. L., Donahue, N. M., and Goldstein, A. H.: Understanding evolution of product composition and volatility distribution through in-situ GC × GC analysis: a case study of longifolene ozonolysis, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 5335-5346, doi:10.5194/acp-11-5335-2011, 2011. HTML
2014 NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (current source of funding)
2012 AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award
2010 NSF Graduate Student Research Fellowship
2010 EPA STAR Fellowship
GSI - Air Pollution, ESPM C180, Instructor: Goldstein