University of Pennsylvania, B.A. in Biology, 2008
University of Pennsylvania, MES of Environmental Biology, 2010
Fungal ecology, mycology
I am interested in the interactions between aboveground and belowground terrestrial communities, in particular the effects of mycorrhizal symbioses on plant community composition and function. My research goal is to understand the drivers of fungal diversity. My dissertation focuses on two themes: the role of dispersal in fungal community assembly, and the response of fungi to catastrophic disturbances. Read about my research on fungal recovery after catastrophic wildfires here and here. I was also interviewed about my research by UC Science today - listen to the sound bytes here and here.
Check out my googlescholar! Follow me on twitter @sydneyglassman!
Glassman S.I., C.R. Levine, A.M. DiRocco, J.J. Battles, and T.D. Bruns. 2015. Ectomycorrhizal fungal spore bank recovery after a severe forest fire: Some like it hot. ISME J. doi: 10.1038/ismej.2015.182
Glassman, S.I., K.G. Peay, J.M. Talbot, D.P. Smith, J.A. Chung, J.W. Taylor, R. Vilgalys, and T.D. Bruns. 2015. A continental view of pine-associated ectomycorrhizal fungal spore banks: a quiescent functional guild with a strong biogeographic pattern. New Phytologist (4):1619-1631.
Shrestha, P., A. Ibanez, S. Bauer, S.I. Glassman, T.M. Szaro, T.D. Bruns, and J.W. Taylor. 2015. Fungi isolated from Miscanthus and sugarcane: Biomass conversion, fungal enzymes and hydrolysis of plant cell wall polymers. Biotechnology for Biofuels 8:38.
Talbot, J.M., T.D. Bruns, J.W. Taylor, D.P. Smith, S. Branco, S.I. Glassman, S. Erlandson,R. Vilgalys, H.L. Liao, M.E. Smith, and K.G. Peay. 2014. Endemism and functional convergence across the North American soil mycobiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(17): 6341-6346.
Talbot, J.M., T.D. Bruns, D.P. Smith, S. Branco, S.I. Glassman, S. Erlandson, R. Vilgalys, and K.G. Peay. 2012. Independent roles of ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic communities in soil organic matter decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57(2013): 282-291.
Glassman, S.I. and B.B. Casper. 2012. Biotic contexts alter metal sequestration and AMF effects on plant growth in soils polluted with heavy metals. Ecology 93(7): 1550-1559.
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, UC Berkeley (2015-2016)
- ESPM Distinguished Student Seminar, Department of ESPM, UC Berkeley (2015-2016)
- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant, Division of Environmental Biology, NSF (2014 – 2016)
- Graduate Student Fellowship Program, Division of Life Sciences -Ecology, NSF (2011-2015)
- William Carroll Smith Fellowship Award, College of Natural Resources, UC Berkeley (2015 – 2016)
- Graduate Research Fellowship, Mycological Society of America (2014)
- Graduate Scholarship, Mycological Society of San Francisco (2014)
- Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grant, University of California Natural Reserve System (2012-2013)
- Forest Fungal Ecology Award, Mycological Society of America (2013)
- Graduate Scholarship, Sonoma County Mycological Association (2013)
- PMB 113: California Mushrooms (Fall 2015)
- ESPM 10: Environmental Issues (Spring 2014)
- PMB 113: California Mushrooms (Fall 2013)