Campus Environmental Organizations
- The Bay Area Environmentally Aware Consulting Network (BEACN) is a non-profit student organization at the University of California, Berkeley that specializes in sustainable business consulting in the San Francisco Bay Area. BEACN is comprised of undergraduate students from all different majors and is affiliated with the Walter A. Haas School of Business.
- The Berkeley Environmental Alumni Network (BEAN) engages alumni from the University of California at Berkeley in professional and fun networking opportunities as well as environmental philanthropy and volunteering activities that benefit the University.
- The Big Ideas @ Berkeley Initiative was officially launched in July, 2005. Its mission is to provide funding, support, and encouragement to interdisciplinary teams of UC Berkeley undergraduate and graduate students who have “big ideas.”
- Boalt Environmental Law Society is an organization of student activists at Boalt who are interested in the intersection of environmental law and social justice.
- CalCAP - Integrating Campus Sustainability, Climate Research, and Education CALPIRG creates educational opportunities and an effective voice to protect the environment and consumers, while promoting open government.
- The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainability (CACS) promotes environmental management and sustainable development at UC Berkeley.
- Green Campus is a student led energy efficiency campaign to educate students, staff, faculty, and the local community on the importance of energy conservation and realize real energy savings by establishing ongoing environmental projects at UC Berkeley.
- The Green Room is a demonstration room that showcases how any person can reduce their impact on the environment.
- Re-USE promotes the concept and ethic of reuse to the campus population and to divert reusable materials from landfills. Roots and Shoots actively develop awareness and foster communications about three main elements: animals, the environment, and the human community.
- SAFE provides students from diverse backgrounds with an open forum on fire ecology through which research can be shared, networks formed and funding and information resources can be accessed. SERC (The Student Environmental Resource Center) cultivates a collaborative space to strengthen the collective effectiveness of the sustainability community, and provides resources for students to actualize their visions of a more equitable, socially just, and resilient future.
- STEAM is an ASUC internship program through the Office of the President established in Fall 2005. As a team, we create and implement a variety of projects that help establish sustainable practices and promote environmental awareness on campus.
- Students for a Greener Berkeley is a graduate student group focused on improving environmental policies and practices on campus. Our aim is to reduce UC Berkeley’s environmental footprint, be it energy use, paper consumption, water usage, waste etc., ultimately putting UC Berkeley where it should be – a showcase for sustainability.
- The Student Organic Gardening Association, along with people like you, takes care of the UC Berkeley Student Organic Garden. The Garden is located at the corner of Walnut and Virginia Streets in Berkeley, in the northwest corner of campus.
- The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) is a grant-making fund for sustainability projects on UC Berkeley’s campus. About $170,000 per year are available for grants; students, faculty, and staff are eligible to submit project proposals.