Allen Goldstein. Photo by Julie Gipple.
Allen Goldstein, a professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, received the 2018 David Sinclair Award at the International Aerosol Conference on September 4 in Saint Louis. This award recognizes sustained excellence in aerosol research and technology by an established scientist still active in his/her career. The individual's research must have a lasting impact in aerosol science.
Goldstein’s research focuses on atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemistry. In particular, he is interested in pushing the forefront of observational capabilities through the development and deployment of novel analytical instrumentation, making possible new avenues of research with the goals of understanding the composition and chemistry of earth's atmosphere, how it functions naturally, and how it is impacted by anthropogenic emissions and changing climate.
Goldstein was recognized for substantial contributions in the field of atmospheric aerosols, its sources and its impacts on human health and the environment. He has pioneered new instrument development for analyzing organic aerosols, including measurements of their temporal variability and improved characterization of their complex chemical speciation. He has led numerous advances in our understanding of the organic constituents of atmospheric aerosols—unraveling the chemical pathways that control their formation, elucidating interactions between biogenic and anthropogenic emissions, and identifying their primary and secondary components. Goldstein has also mentored many current and emerging leaders in the field of aerosol chemistry, and has published over 300 refereed journal articles.
The David Sinclair Award memorializes David Sinclair (1902-1987), one of aerosol science's great innovators, known for his knowledge, ingenuity and energy.