PhD. University of California, Berkeley, August 2011
MS. Oregon State University, Corvallis OR, June 1996
BS. University of Connecticut, Storrs CT, June 1991
Lepidoptera (moths); Island Biogeography; Systematics
Most of my work revolves around Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) on Pacific Islands. I am particularly interested in the evolutionary histories, biogeography, ecology, and conservation of "microlepidoptera" (small moths) in the Hawaiian Islands, Society Islands, Marquesas Islands, and several other Pacific archipelagos. Visit my website for more information.
Ball-Damerow, J. E., P. T. Oboyski, et al. (2015). "California dragonfly and damselfly (Odonata) database: temporal and spatial distribution of species records collected over the past century." ZooKeys 482: 67-89.
Banko PC, Oboyski PT, Slotterback JW, et al. 2002. Availability of food resources, distribution of invasive species, and conservation of a Hawaiian bird along a gradient of elevation. Journal of Biogeography 29(5-6):789-808 (pdf)
Brenner GJ, Oboyski PT, Banko PC. 2002. Parasitism of Cydia spp. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) on Sophora chrysophylla (Fabaceae) along an elevation gradient of dry subalpine forest on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 78(2):101-109 (pdf)
Oboyski PT, Slotterback JW, Banko PC. 2004. Differential parasitism of seed-feeding Cydia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by native and alien wasp species relative to elevation in subalpine Sophora (Fabaceae) forests on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. Journal of Insect Conservation 8(2-3): 229- 240 (pdf)
Paynter, Q, Gourlay AH, Oboyski PT, Fowler SV, Hill RL, Withers TM, Parish H, and Hona S. 2008. Why did specificity testing fail to predict the field host-range of the gorse pod moth in New Zealand? Biological Control 46:453-462 (pdf)
Outstanding Presentation, ESPM Graduate Research Symposium, UC Berkeley, 2007
Outstanding Graduate Student Presentation, 2nd place, Hawaii Conservation Conference, 2006
Walker Fund for systematics research in entomology, UC Berkeley, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005
Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award, UC Berkeley, 2003-2004
Freitag Memorial Award, UC Berkeley, 2003-2004
GK-12 Teaching Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 2003-2004
Entomology Students Organization, President, UC Berkeley, 2003-2004
Graduate Assembly, Delegate, UC Berkeley, 2003-2004
DeWind Award (Xerces Society award) 2003
Magy Award, UC Berkeley, 2002-2003
Keen Award, UC Berkeley, 2001-2002
Lecturer - ES196 Environmental Science Senior Thesis
GSI - ESPM140 General Entomology
GSI - ESPM107 Biology and Geomorphology of Tropical Islands
Lepidoptera of French Polynesia
Hawaiian Insect-Plant Database
Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) of Hawaii
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