Professor of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Russell Rustici Chair in Rangeland Management, Head graduate advisor Rangeland and Wildlife Management
Professor of Rangeland Ecology and Management, Russell Rustici Chair in Rangeland Management, Head graduate advisor Rangeland and Wildlife Management
To find out about the UCB Rangeland and Wildlife Management program, see:
- Ph.D. Wildland Resource Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1989
- M.S. Rangeland Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1983
- B.A. Chinese Studies: Modern History, University of California, San Diego, 1979
Rangeland conservation and management:
Ecology and management of rangeland ecosystems, particularly co-production of environmental benefits and agricultural goods through working landscapes and the role of managers and users as critical actors. Within this context, the consequences for people and the environment of the way that science is interpreted and used in management.
Ongoing studies include research on oak woodland landowners and management in California and Spain, land fragmentation and conservation in oak woodlands, and evaluating ecosystem services from conservation easements. I continue to pursue lines of inquiry and theory I have found useful to my work: ecological models for disequilibrium systems as tools to understand the linkages between human relationships and ecological change; work in political ecology found ed in basic notions of who (or what) wins and who (or what) loses in disputes over access to natural resources.
California Rangeland Trust: You just can's see them from the road. Pending. 2025
California Rangeland Trust: A common ground. 2018.
California Rangeland Trust: From the ground up. 2021.
Ecosystem Service valuation
Grazing in future multiscapes, New Zealand. 2021. “Grazing in California’s Mediterranean multi-firescapes.”
ESPM 116B Grassland and Woodland Ecology outdoors in 2020:
Monterey Carbon Sequestration workshop, October 2022, and Oak Symposium plenary, San Luis Obispo, Nov. 2, 2022. Keeping Carbon in the Bank. 1:19
California Cattleman's Association: Sorting Pen: Sorting through the critical role of grazing with Dr. Lynn Huntsinger.
for a series called "Tuned in to the Land" March 2022 on ecosystem service valuation:
for “Art of Range”: Forests and Rangelands….For the trees? 2021
for “Art of Range”: How to conserve ranches and support environmental stewardship. With Sasha Gennet, TNC.
for “Art of Range”: Ranching as a conservation strategy.
2024 California Cattlemen’s Association Gordon Van Vleck Award
2024 Associate Editor of the Year, Journal of Rangeland Ecology and Management
2021: California Rangeland Trust Conservation Impact Award, for her path-breaking research on rangeland social-ecological systems which is helping to change the way California values working landscapes.
2020-21: U.C. Berkeley Advising Champion: a champion of undergraduate education and advising at Rausser College
2021: Wildest Woman of Range. Wild Women of Range, Society for Range Management.
2020: W.R. Chapline Award Research Award: Society for Range Management to members of the Society for exceptional and sustained research accomplishments in range science and associated disciplines. One award can be given annually. I am the sole female recipient of this award among 32 previous recipients.
2018: Muir Environmental Fellow, University of California, San Diego, John Muir College, Alumni Association, La Jolla, CA, 50th Anniversary John Muir College Environmental Fellow : a selected group of individuals affiliated with UC San Diego (faculty, staff, or alumni) whose work has contributed significantly to the cause of sustainability and environmental preservation.
2014 UCB GSI Mentoring Award.
2012 Li Ka Shing Research Grant for Women in Science - 2012
2007 Range Manager of the Year - Society for Range Management, California Section - 2007
2005 Exceptional Service Award - College of Natural Resources - 2005
2003 Distinguished Teaching Award - College of Natural Resources - 2003
Books and Papers
- Rangeland Systems, 2017, edited by David Briske.
- Downloaded 160,000 times +!
- Inside: Hruska, T., Huntsinger, L., Brunson, M., Li, Wenjun, Marshall, N., Oviedo, J. and Campos, P. 2017. Chapter 9: Applying the social-ecological systems framework on rangelands. In: Briske, D., ed. Rangeland Systems: Processes, Management and Challenge. Springer.
Working Landscapes: Spanish Dehesas and California Ranches
Campos, P., Huntsinger, L., Oviedo, J.L., Starrs, P.F., Díaz, M., Standiford, R.B., Montero, G. (eds). 2013. Mediterranean oak woodland working landscapes: Dehesas of Spain and ranchlands of California. Landscape Series, Springer. 460 p.
Ecosystems of California
Inside: Spiegal, S., L. Huntsinger, P. Hopkinson, and J.W. Bartolome. 2016. Range ecosystems. In: H. Mooney and E. Zavaleta [eds]. Ecosystems of California. Berkeley, CA, USA: University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520278806
Briske DD, Huntsinger L, Sayre NF, Scogings PF, Stafford-Smith M, Ulambayar T. It’s time to assign nonforested, nonagricultural lands a global designation. Cambridge Prisms: Drylands. 2025;2:e5. doi:10.1017/dry.2025.2
Lu, T. and Huntsinger, L. 2023. Managing human-wildlife conflict on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 9(1). doi: 10.34133/ehs.0023
Swette, B., Huntsinger, L., Lambin, E.F. 2023. Collaboration in a polarized context: lessons from public forest governance in the American West. Ecology and Society 28(1). doi: 10.5751/ES-13958-280129
Wolpert, F., Quintas-Soriano, C., Pulido, F., Huntsinger, L., Plieninger, T. 2022. Collaborative agroforestry to mitigate wildfires in Extremadura, Spain: land manager motivations and perceptions of outcomes, benefits, and policy needs. Agroforestry Systems 96:1135-49.
García-Martín, M., Huntsinger, L., Ibarrola-Rivas, M. J., Penker, M., D’Ambrosio, U., Dimopoulos, T., Fernández-Giménez, M. E., Kizos, T., Muñoz-Rojas, J., Saito, O., Zimmerer, K. S., Abson, D. J., Liu, J., Quintas-Soriano, C., Sørensen, I. H., Verburg, P. H., & Plieninger, T. (2022). Landscape products for sustainable agricultural landscapes. Nature Food, 3(10), 814-821.
Xu, Wenjing, and Lynn Huntsinger. 2022. Minding the boundary: Critical social-ecological contexts for the emerging field of fence ecology and management. Front Ecol Environ 2022; 20( 7): 405– 412, doi:10.1002/fee.2500;
Huntsinger, L. and Sheila Barry. 2021. Grazing in California’s Mediterranean multi-firescapes. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5: 715366. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.715366
Tobias Plieninger, Lukas Flinzberger, Maria Hetman, Imke Horstmannshoff, Marilena Reinhard-Kolempas, Emmeline Topp, Lynn Huntsinger, Gerardo Moreno. 2021. Dehesas as high nature value farming systems: A social-ecological synthesis of drivers, pressures, state, impacts, and policy responses. Ecology and Society 26(3):23.
Lu, Y., Huntsinger, L. & Li, W. Microcredit programs may increase risk to pastoralist livelihoods in Inner Mongolia. 2021.
Barry, Sheila J. and Lynn Huntsinger. 2021. Rangeland land sharing, livestock grazing’s role in the conservation of imperiled species. Sustainability 13(8): 4466.
Gongbuzeren, Jing Zhang, Minghao Zhuang, Jian Zhang, and Lynn Huntsinger. 2021. Mitigating the impacts of fragmented land tenure through community-based institutional innovations: Two case study villages from Guinan County of Qinghai Province, China. Ecology and Society 26(2): Art. 15
Biggs, Nicole Buckley, Huntsinger, Lynn and Lambin, Eric. 2021. Managed grazing on California annual rangelands in the context of state climate policy. Rangeland Ecology and Management 76:56-68.
Van Schmidt, Nathan D., Oviedo, José L., Hruska, Tracy V., Huntsinger, Lynn, Kovach, Tony J., Kilpatrick, A. Marm, Miller, Norman L. , and Beissinger, Steven R. 2021 Assessing impacts of social-ecological diversity on resilience in a wetland coupled human and natural system. Ecology and Society 26(2):3.
Biggs, Nicole Buckley, Hafner, Jayce, Mashiri, Fadzayi, Huntsinger, Lynn and Lambin, Eric. 2021. Payments for ecosystem services within the hybrid governance model: evaluating policy alignment and complementarity on California rangelands. Ecology and Society 26(1): 19.
Spiegal, S., Huntsinger, L., Starrs, P.F., Hruska, T., Schellenberg, M.P., and McIntosh, M. .2019. Rangeland Livestock Production in North America, Ch 06 in Livestock: Production, Management Strategies, and Challenges, Squires, V.R. and Bryden, W.L. (eds), 137–162, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2019. ISBN 978-1-53615-541-9. Refereed book chapter.
Waks, L., Kocher, S. and L. Huntsinger. 2019. Landowner perspectives on reforestation following a high-severity wildfire in California. Journal of Forestry 117(1):30–37. doi: 10.1093/jofore/fvy07
Aoyama, L.. and L. Huntsinger. 2019. Are landowners, managers, and range management academics on the same page about conservation? Rangelands.
Van Schmidt, Nathan D.; Kovach, Tony; Kilpatrick, A. Marm; Oviedo, José; Hruska, Tracy; Huntsinger, Lynn; Miller, Norman; and Beissinger, Steven. 2019 Integrating social and ecological data to model metapopulations in coupled human and natural systems. Ecology 100(6): e02711.
Beever E., Huntsinger, L. and Peterson, S. 2018. Conservation challenges emerging from free-roaming horse management: a vexing social-ecological mismatch. Biological Conservation 226: 321-328
Plieninger, T., Huntsinger, L. 2018. Complex Rangeland Systems: Integrated Social-Ecological Approaches to Silvopastoralism. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 71:519-525;
Shapero, M.W.K., L. Huntsinger, T.A. Becchetti, F.E. Mashiri, J.J. James. 2018. Land manager perceptions of the opportunities and constraints of using livestock to manage invasive plants in California’s hardwood rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management 71:603-611.
Shuhao Tan, Tingyu Li, and Lynn Huntsinger. 2018. Analyzing herder adaptive capacity to climate change: a case study from an ecologically fragile area in Inner Mongolia, People’s Republic of China. Human Ecology. 46(3):399-409. 10.1007/s10745-018-9991-0
Gongbuzeren, Lynn Huntsinger, Li Wenjun. 2018. Rebuilding pastoral social-ecological resilience on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in response to changes in policy, economics, and climate. Ecology and Society 23 (2):21. URL:
Shuhao Tan , Tingyu Li , Bo Liu , and Lynn Huntsinger. 2018 (in press). How can sedentarized pastoralists be more technically efficient? A case from eastern Inner Mongolia. The Rangeland Journal 40(3):241-249.
Zhang, Jian, Yanbo Li, Lynn Huntsinger, and Wenjun Li. 2018. Is microcredit a form of risk for the pastoral households of Inner Mongolia’s semi-arid rangelands? Rangeland Ecology and Management.
Campos, Pablo, Alejandro Caparrós, Emilio Cerdá, Luis Diaz-Balteiro, Casimiro Herruzo, Lynn Huntsinger, David Martín-Barroso, María Martínez-Jauregui, Paola Ovando, José L. Oviedo, María Pasalodos-Tato, Carlos Romero, Mario Soliño, and Richard B. Standiford. 2017. Multifunctional natural forest silviculture economics revised: Challenges in meeting landowner’s and society's wants. Forest Systems [S.l.], v. 26, n. 2, p. eR01S, Oct. 2017. ISSN 2171-9845. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 dec. 2017. doi:
Huntsinger, L., Sayre, N. 2017. Chapter 15: Landscape stewardship for rangelands. Pgs. 284-305in: Plieninger, T. Beiling, C. (eds) The science and practice of landscape stewardship, Cambridge University Press.
Huntsinger, L., Hruska, T., Shapero, M., Oviedo, J., Nader, G., Ingram, R., and Beissinger, S. 2017. Save water or save wildlife? Water use and conservation in the central Sierran foothill oak woodlands of California, USA. Ecology and Society 22:12.
Oviedo, J., Huntsinger, L., and Campos, P. 2017. The contribution of amenities to landowner income: the case of Spanish and Californian hardwood rangelands. Journal of Rangeland Ecology and Management 70(4): 518–528.
Hruska, T., Huntsinger, L., Brunson, M., Li, Wenjun, Marshall, N., Oviedo, J. and Campos, P. 2017. Chapter 9: Applying the Social-Ecological Systems Framework on Rangelands. In: Briske, D., ed. Rangeland Systems: Processes, Management and Challenge. Springer. . FREE DOWNLOAD OF BOOK
Huang, W., Bruemmer, B., and Huntsinger, L. 2017. Technical efficiency and the impact of grassland use right leasing on livestock grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Land Use Policy 64:342-352.
Huntsinger, L. 2016. Stewarding rangeland landscapes: building social capital to restore natural capital. 2016. In: I. Casasús and G. Lombardi (eds), Mountain pastures and livestock farming facing uncertainty: environmental, technical, and socio-economic challenges. Series A: Mediterranean Seminars, 116: 315-327. Proceedings FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Network, Zaragosa, Spain, June 2016. ISBN: 2-85352-559-7.
Li, W.J., S. Talinbayi , L. Huntsinger. 2016. Comparing transhumance in Xinjiang, China and California, USA. In: I. Casasús and G. Lombardi (eds), Mountain pastures and livestock farming facing uncertainty: environmental, technical, and socio-economic challenges. Series A: Mediterranean Seminars, 116: 69-75. Proceedings FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Network, Zaragosa, Spain, June 2016. ISBN: 2-85352-559-7.
Brunson, M.W., Huntsinger, L., Kreuter, U., Ritten, J. 2016. Usable Socio-Economic science for rangelands. 2016. Rangelands 38(2): 85-89.
Huntsinger, L. 2016. The tragedy of the common narrative: Re-telling degradation in the American West. In: Behnke, R.H. and Mortimore, M. (eds) The end of Desertification?: Disputing environmental change in the drylands. Berlin: Springer Earth Systems Sciences, Springer-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-642-16013-4 ISBN 978-3-642-16014-1 (eBook); DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-16014-1
Huntsinger, L., Plieninger, T., Pullido, F., Starrs, P. 2016. Re: Eletter in response to Naudt’s et al. Europe’s forest management did not mitigate climate warming. Science 352(6273): 597-600. March 2, 2016.
Jiménez, M.N., Fernández-Ondoño, E. , Ángeles Ripoll, M., Castro-Rodríguez, J., Huntsinger, L., Navarro, F.B. 2016. Stones and organic mulches improve Quercus ilex l.afforestation success under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Land Degrad. Develop. 27: 357–365
Spiegal, S., L. Huntsinger, P. Hopkinson, and J.W. Bartolome. 2016. Range ecosystems. In: H. Mooney and E. Zavaleta [eds]. Ecosystems of California. Berkeley, CA, USA: University of California Press. ISBN: 9780520278806
Sulak, A. L. Huntsinger, and S. Kocher. 2015 UC plays a crucial facilitating role in the Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project. California Agriculture Jan-Feb 68(4): 117-124.
Huang, W., B. Bruemmer, and L. Huntsinger 2016. Incorporating measures of grassland productivity into efficiency estimates for livestock grazing on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China. Ecological Economics 122:1-11.
Sulak, A. L. Huntsinger, and S. Kocher. 2015 UC plays a crucial facilitating role in the Sierra Nevada Adaptive Management Project. California Agriculture Jan-Feb 68(4): 117-124.
Hruska, Tracy V.; Huntsinger, Lynn; Oviedo, Jose L. 2015. An accidental resource: the social ecological system framework applied to small wetlands in Sierran foothill oak woodlands. In: Standiford, Richard B.; Purcell, Kathryn L., tech. cords. Proceedings of the seventh California oak symposium: managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-251. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: 231-238.
Bartolome, James W.; Huntsinger, Lynn. 2015. Oak policy and management in California: Spanish origins and future considerations. In: Standiford, Richard B.; Purcell, Kathryn L., tech. cords. Proceedings of the seventh California oak symposium: managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-251. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: 49-58.
Oviedo, Jose L.; Huntsinger, Lynn; Campos, Pablo 2015. Landowner total income from oak woodland working landscapes in Spain and California. In: Standiford, Richard B.; Purcell, Kathryn L., tech. cords. Proceedings of the seventh California oak symposium: managing oak woodlands in a dynamic world. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-251. Berkeley, CA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station: 189-198.
Plieninger, Y., Bieling C., Fagerholm, N., Anja Byg, A., Hartel, T., Hurley, P., López-Santiago, C.A., Nagabhatla, N., Oteros-Rozas, E., Raymond, C.M., van der Horst, D., Huntsinger, L. 2015. The role of cultural ecosystem services in landscape management and planning. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 14:28-33.
Briske, D.D., Ash, A.J., Derner, J.D. and L. Huntsinger. 2014. Commentary: A Critical Assessment of the Policy Endorsement for Holistic Management. Agricultural Systems 125: 50-53.
Huntsinger, L., N. Sayre, and L. Macaulay. 2014. Ranchers, land tenure, and grass-roots governance: maintaining pastoralist use of rangelands in the U.S. in three different settings. Chapter 4, pgs. 62-93 in: Davies, J. (ed). The governance of rangelands: Collective action for sustainable pastoralism. New York: Routledge. 298 p.
Ferranto, S., Huntsinger, L. and M. Kelly. 2014. Sustaining ecosystem services from private lands in California: the role of the landowner. Rangelands 36(5):44-51.
Huntsinger, L., and Bartolome, J.W. 2014. Cows? In California?: Rangelands and livestock in the Golden State. Rangelands 36(5): 4-10.
Plieninger, T., Hui, C., Gaertner, M. and L. Huntsinger. 2014. The impact of land abandonment on species richness and abundance in the Mediterranean Basin: a meta-analysis. PLoS ONE 9(5): e98355. [online] URL:
Huntsinger, L. and J. Oviedo. 2014. Ecosystem services are social ecological services in a traditional pastoral system: The case in California Mediterranean rangelands. Ecology and Society 19 (1): 8. [online] URL:
Committee to review the Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Management Program--Guy Palmer, Chair, Lynn Huntsinger, one of 13 committee members, lead for chapter 6. 2013. Using science to improve the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program: A way forward. 436 p. ISBN-10: 0-309-26494-4. 436 pgs. []
Campos, P., Huntsinger, L., Oviedo, J.L., Starrs, P.F., Díaz, M., Standiford, R.B., Montero, G. (eds). 2013. Mediterranean oak woodland working landscapes: Dehesas of Spain and ranchlands of California. Landscape Series, Springer. 460 p. []. Including:
Huntsinger, L., Campos, P., Starrs, P.F., Oviedo, J.L.,Díaz, M., Standiford, R.B., Montero, G. 2013. Working landscapes of the Spanish dehesa and the California oak woodlands: An introduction. Chapter 1. []
Alagona, P.S., Linares, A., Campos, P., Huntsinger, L. 2013. History and Recent Trends. Chapter 2. []
de Dios Vargas, J., Huntsinger, L. and Starrs, P.F. 2013. Raising livestock in oak woodlands. Chapter 10. []
Caparrós, A., Huntsinger, L., Oviedo, J.L., Plieninger, T., Campos, P. 2013. Economics of ecosystem services. Chapter 12. []
Oviedo, J.L., Ovando, P., Forero, L., Huntsinger, L,, Álvarez, A., Mesa, B., Campos, P. The private economy of dehesas and ranches: case studies. Chapter 13. []
Starrs, P.F., Campos, P., Oviedo, J.L., Huntsinger, L., Díaz, Standiford, R.B., Montero, G. M. 2013. Whither working oak woodlands? Chapter 15. []
Plieninger, T., M. Gaertner, C. Hui and L. Huntsinger. 2013. Does land abandonment decrease species richness and abundance of plants and animals in Mediterranean grasslands, arable lands and permanent croplands? Environmental Evidence 2:3. []
Ferranto, S., Huntsinger, L., Getz, C., Lahiff, M., Stewart, W., Nakamura, G. and M. Kelly. 2013. Management without borders? A survey of landowner practices and attitudes towards cross-boundary cooperation. Society and Natural Resources 0:1-19. []
Brownsey, P., Oviedo, J., Huntsinger, L. and B. Allen-Diaz. 2013. Historic forage productivity and cost of capital for cow-calf production in California. Rangeland Ecology and Management 66(3): 339-347. []
Sayre, N.F., Carlisle, L., Huntsinger, L., Fisher, G., and Shattuck, A. 2012. The role of rangelands in diversified farming systems: Innovations, obstacles, and opportunities. Ecology and Society. [].
Booker, K., Huntsinger, L, Bartolome, J.W., Sayre, N., Stewart, W. 2013. What can ecological science tell us about opportunities for carbon sequestration on rangelands? Journal of Global Environmental Change 23:240-251. []
Huntsinger, L., Sayre, L., and J.D. Wulfhorst. 2012. Birds, beasts and bovines: Three cases of U.S. pastoralism and wildlife. Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice 2:12. [].
Oviedo, J. L., Huntsinger, L., Campos, P. and Caparrós, A. 2012. The income value of private amenities in California oak woodlands. California Agriculture 66(3):91-[]
Plieninger, T, Ferranto, S., Huntsinger, L., C. Getz and M. Kelly. 2012. Demand, use, and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services in California landscapes. Environmental Management 97(1): 131-140. []
Kelly, M., S. Ferranto, S. Lei, K. Ueda, and L. Huntsinger. 2012.. Expanding the table: the web as a tool for participatory adaptive management in California: a case study in the Sierra Nevada. Journal of Environmental Management 109:1 - 11. []
Sulak, A. and L. Huntsinger. 2012. Perceptions of forest health among stakeholders in an adaptive management project in the Sierra Nevada of California. Journal of Forestry. []
Ferranto, S., L. Huntsinger, B. Stewart and M. Kelly. 2012. Consider the source: The impact of media and authority in outreach to California’s forest and rangeland owners. Journal of Environmental Management 97:131-140.[]
Ferranto, S., L. Huntsinger, C. Getz, G. Nakamura, W. Stewart, S. Drill, Y. Valachovic, M. DeLasaux and M. Kelly. 2011. Forest and rangeland owners value land for natural amenities and as financial investment. California Agriculture 65(4):184-191. []
Li, W. and L. Huntsinger. 2011. China's Grassland Contract Policy and its Impacts on Herder Ability to Benefit in Inner Mongolia: Tragic Feedbacks . Ecology and Society 16 (2): 1. [online] URL:
D. D. Briske, Nathan F. Sayre, L. Huntsinger, M. Fernandez-Gimenez, B. Budd, and J. D. Derner. 2011. Origin, persistence, and resolution of the rotational grazing debate: integrating human dimensions into rangeland research. Rangeland Ecology and Management 64(4): 325-335. .[]
Huntsinger, L. and L. Diekmann. 2011 (2010). The virtual reservation: Land distribution, natural resource access, and equity on the Yurok Forest. Natural Resources Journal 50(2):341-370. []
Huntsinger, L., Forero, L. and Sulak A. 2010. Transhumance and pastoralist resilience in the western United States, Pastoralism: Research, Policy, and Practice 1:1-15. [
Huntsinger, L., Johnson, M., Stafford, M. and J. Fried. 2010. California Hardwood Rangeland Landowners 1985 to 2004: Ecosystem services, production, and permanence. Rangeland Ecology and Management 63:325-334
see "research"
- ESPM 186 Management and Conservation of Woodlands and Grasslands
- ESPM 375: Teaching in ESPM
- 279 - Seminar on Pastoralism
- 280 - Seminar in Range Ecosystem Planning and Policy
- H196 - Honors research
Professional Certifications
Contact details
Lynn Huntsinger
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ESPM-Ecosystem Sciences
130 Mulford Hall #3110
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720