Extension Specialists

Kent M. DAANE's picture
559-646-6522 (Kearney)
Control of insect pests in agricultural crops
Biological Control and Sustainable Agriculture
Kristin Dobbin's picture
Environmental justice, drinking water, public policy, natural resource management
Matteo Garbelotto's picture
Forest pathology, forest mycology, forest and tree management
Christina M Getz's picture
Ethics, history, politics, rural development
Theodore Grantham's picture
Freshwater ecology, stream hydrology, climate risk assessment
Maggi Kelly's picture
GIS and remote sensing, historical ecology, drones, spatial data science
Adina MERENLENDER's picture
Conservation Science
Climate Stewardship
Climate-wise Habitat Connectivity
Working Lands Conservation
Community Science
Daniel Sanchez's picture
carbon dioxide removal, bioenergy, California forests, climate policy, energy systems modeling
Jennifer Sowerwine's picture
Building equitable, economically viable and culturally relevant food systems in metropolitan areas that contribute to healthy communities
Ecological diversity and sustainable livelihoods
Bill TIETJE's picture
Oak woodland ecology, human impacts on wildlife
Robert York's picture
Forest Ecology, Disturbance Regime Guided Silviculture, Giant Sequoia restoration, Prescribed burning, Pyrosilviculture