Spotswood E.N., J.Y. Meyer, J.W. Bartolome. 2012. Abundance of invasive trees alters the structure of seed dispersal networks in French Polynesia.Journal of Biogeography. 39: 2007-2020
Spotswood E.N., K. Roesch Goodman, J. Carlisle, D. Humple, R. Cormier and J. Rosseau, S. Guers, G. Barto n.2012. How safe is mist netting? Evaluating the risk of injury and mortality to birds. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 3(1):29-38 (See press coverage here:
Wilcox R.*, E. N. Spotswood. 2011. Introduced predators and seabird predation on Moorea, French Polynesia. Notornis. 58:39-42
Spotswood E.N. 2010. Dispersal of Miconia calvescens by birds in the Society Islands (French Polynesia). Proceedings of the International Conference on Miconia Control. Eds. Loope, L.L., Meyer, J.Y., Hardesty, B.D., Smith, C.W. Maui Invasive Species Committee and Pacific Cooperative Studies Unit, University of Hawaii and Manoa, Honolulu
Spotswood E.N., and J.Y. Meyer. 2009. Interactions between plants and avian frugivores in the Society Archipelago, (French Polynesia). Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress. Tahiti,French Polynesia
Spotswood E.N., K.L. Bradley and J.M.H. Knops. 2002. Effects of herbivory on the reproductive effort of 4 prairie perennials.BMC Ecology 2:2
* Mentored undergraduate author