Professor Emeritus: Assoc. Dean for Research, College Natural Resources (1978-1985)
Professor Emeritus: Assoc. Dean for Research, College Natural Resources (1978-1985)
I am broadly interested in the ecology and behavior of Diptera of medical/veterinary importance, with a strong basic interest in how blood-feeding and parasitic flies of various ages/physiological states interact with their vertebrate hosts and how they are involved in the transmission of parasites. My primary research has focused on: the mating, host-seeking and feeding behavior of blood-sucking Diptera; the host-seeking and attacking behavior of oestrid parasites associated with deer and reindeer/caribou; and on the study of selected biological control agents of black flies and mosquitoes.
B.S. Entomology, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 1957
M.S. Medical/Veterinary Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc., 1958
Ph.D. Medical.Veterinay Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc., 1960
Anderson, J.R. & G.R. DeFoliart. 1961. Feeding behavior and host preferences of some black flies (Diptera:Simuliidaae) in Wisconsin. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 54: 716-729.
Anderson, J.R., D.O. Trainer & G.R. DeFoliart. 1962. Natural and experimental transimission of the waterfowl parasite, Leucocytozoon simondi M & L. in Wisconsin. Zoonoses Res. 1: 155-164.
Anderson, J.R. & S.C. Ayala. 1968. Trypanosome transmitted by Phlebotomus: First report from the Americas. Science 161:1023-1025.
Anderson, J.R. & W. Olkowski. 1968. Carbon dioxide as an attractant for host-seeking Cephenemyia females (Diptera:Oestridae). Nature 220:190-191.
Anderson, J.R. & S.C. Ayala. 1969. Technical comments: Growth pattern of Leishmania in Phlebotomine sandflies. Science 165: 1380-1381.
Anderson, J.R. & J.B. Hoy. 1972. Relationships between host attack rates and CO2-baited insect flight trap catches of certain Symphoromyia species. J. Med. Entomol. 9:373-393.
Anderson, J.R. 1975. The behavior of nose bot flies (Cephenemyia apicata and C. jellisoni) when attacking black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) and the resulting reactions of the deer. Can. J. Zool. 53: 977-992.
Merritt, R.W. & J.R. Anderson. 1977. The effects of different pasture and rangeland ecosystems on the annual dynamics of insects in cattle droppings. Hilgardia 45: 31-71.
Anderson, J.R. 1978. Mating behavior of Stomoxys calcitrans: Effects of a blood meal on the mating drive of males and its necessity as a prerequisite for proper insemination of females. J. Econ. Entomol. 71:379-386.
Cogley, T.P. & J.R. Anderson. 1981. Invasion of black-tailed deer by nose bot fly larvae (Diptera:Oestridae:Oestrinae). Intl. J. Parasitol. 11: 281-286.
Egerter, D.E., J.R. Anderson & J.O. Washburn. 1986. Dispersal of the parasitic ciliate, Lambornella clarki: implications for ciliates in the biological control of mosquitoes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 83:7335-7339.
Anderson, J.R. & J.A. Shemanchuk. 1987. The biology of Simulium arcticum Malloch in Alberta: Part II. Seasonal parity structure and mermithid parasitism of S. arcticum populations attacking cattle and flying over the Athabasca River. Can. Entomol. 119:29-44.
Anderson, J.R. 1987. Reproductive strategies and gonotrophic cycles of black flies, pp 276-293; Chapter 20, In: Black Flies:Ecology, Population Management, and Annotated World List. K.C. Kim & R.W. Merritt, Eds. Penn St. Univ. Press, 528 p.
Washburn, J.O., M.E. Gross, D.R. Mercer & J.R. Anderson. 1988. Predator-induced trophic shift of a free-living ciliate:Parasitism of mosquito larvae by their prey. Science 240:1193-1195.
Egerter, D.E. & J.R. Anderson. 1989. Blood-feeding drive inhibition of Aedes sierrensis (Diptera:Culicidae) induced by the parasite Lambornella clarki (Ciliophora:Tetrahymenidae). J. Med. Entomol. 26:46-54.
Anderson, J.R. 1989. Use of deer models to study larviposition by wild nasopharyngeal bot flies (Diptera:Oestridae). J. Med. Entomol. 26:234-236.
Washburn, J.O., D.R. Mercer & J.R. Anderson. 1991. Regulatory role of parasites: Impact on host population shifts with resource availability. Science 253:185-188.
Karter, A.J., I. Folstad & J.R. Anderson. 1992. Abiotic factors influencing embryonic development, egg hatching, and larval orientation in the reindeer warble fly, Hypoderma tarandi (Diptera:Oaestridae). J. Med. Vet. Entomol. 6:355-362.
Tommeras, B.A., A. Wibe, A.C. Nilssen & J.R. Anderson. 1993. The olfactory response of the reindeer nose bot fly, Cephenemyia trompe (Oestridae), to components from interdigital pheromone gland and urine from the host reindeer, Rangifer tarandus. Chemoecol. 4:115-119.
Nilssen, A.C. & J.R. Anderson. 1995. Flight capacity of the reindeer warble fly, Hypoderma tarandi (L.) and the reindeer nose bot fly, Cephenemyia trompe (Modeer) (Diptera:Oestridae). Can. J. Zool. 73:1228-1238.
Anderson, J.R. & W.L. Yee. 1995. Trapping black flies (Diptera:Simuliidae) in northern California. I. Species compositions and seasonal abundance on horses, models and in insect flight traps. Bull. Soc. Vector Ecol. 20:7-25.
Anderson, J.R. & A.C. Nilssen 1996. Trapping oestrid parasites of reindeer. Part II. The relative age and physiological/gonotrophic conditions of Cephenemyia trompe and Hypoderma tarandi females caught in baited insect flight traps. Med. Vet. Entomol. 10:347-353.
Nilssen, A.C., J.R. Anderson & R. Bergersen. 2000. The reindeer oestrids Hypoderma tarandi and Cephenemyia trompe (Diptera:Oestridae): Batesian mimics of bumblebees (Hymenoptera, Apidae:Bombus spp.)?. J. Insect Behavior 13:307-320.
Anderson, J.R. 2003. Adult Biology, Chapt. 9:140-166; Oestrid Myiasis of Humans, Chapt. 12: 201-209; In:The Oestrid Flies; Biology, Host-paraiste Relationships, Impact & Manaagement. D.D. Colwell, M.J.R. Hall & P.J. Scholl (Eds.). CABI Publ. , CAB Intl. Oxfordshire, U.K. 359p.
Anderson, J.R. 2012. The response of host-seeking Cephenemyia females to visual cues associated with anatomically-modified baited deer models. J. Insect Behavior 25:328-338.
Anderson, J.R. 2012. Host specific Cephenemyia of deer repelled by non-host odors. J. Insect Behavior 25: 620-630.
Anderson, J.R. 2013. Risk-spreading larviposition behaviour of female nose bot flies (Cephenemyia) attacking black-tailed deer. Med. Vet. Entomol. 27:216-221.
Anderson, J.R. 2013. Anatomical modifications, viviparous reproduction and hydraulic expulsion of larvae by Cephenemyia nasopharyngeal bot flies of deer. Med. Vet. Entomol. 27:367-376.
Anderson, J.R. 2015. Fly Fishing Oregon’s Crooked River: Insect Drift and Seasonal Fish Diets as a Guide to Successful Fly Fishing. Instant Publ., Collierville, TN, 129 p.
The Berkeley Citation
Fellow, American Assoc. Advancement of Science
Fellow, Entomological Society of America
Fellow, Royal Entomological Society (London)
Woodworth Award for Distinguished Achievement, Entomol Soc. Am., Pacific Branch
U.S. Publ. Hlth Service, Pre- and Post-doctoral Fellowships