Goldstein Group

Allen Goldstein's picture
Biogeochemistry, atmospheric chemistry
Rebecca Wernis's picture
Atmospheric Chemistry, Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation, Biomass Burning, Gas Chromatography, Mass Spectrometry
Yingjun Liu's picture
Atmospheric Chemistry, Indoor Air Chemistry.
Pawel Konrad Misztal's picture
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Air Quality (Outdoor and Indoor), Chemical Biology, Chemical Ecology, Plant Physiology, Mass Spectrometry, Climate Change, Volatile Organic Compounds, Aerosol Precursors, Photooxidation, Aircraft measurements, Eddy Covariance, Air Pollution, Human Exposure to VOC and Health Risk Assessment
Lindsay Yee's picture
Impacts of aerosols on global radiative balance and human health; Environmental justice; Air pollution; Air quality engineering; Atmospheric chemistry; Mass spectrometry methods and instrument development; Atmospheric carbon cycling and radical budgets