Lecturer, Chancellor's Public Scholar, Creative Discovery Fellow
Lecturer, Chancellor's Public Scholar, Creative Discovery Fellow
Kenneth Worthy teaches at the University of California, Berkeley and St. Mary’s College of California and is a research associate at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Environmental Studies.
His research and reviews have been published in books, articles, and an encyclopedia. His book Invisible Nature: Healing the Destructive Divide between People and the Environment was published by Prometheus Books, his co-edited book After the Death of Nature: Carolyn Merchant and the Future of Human-Nature Relations is published by Routledge, and he writes The Green Mind blog at Psychology Today.
PhD University of California, Berkeley
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, December, 2005
Division of Society and Environment
MS University of California, Berkeley
Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, May, 2002
Examination fields: Environmental philosophy and ethics and ecopsychology
BS Bates College
Music and physics (double major), High Honors, Presser Scholar, June, 1983
Environmental culture, philosophy, ethics, psychology, and history
Dr. Worthy studies broad questions around human-nature relations, particularly those of the modern, industrial world, such as the origins of global environmental crisis and why these crises, such as global climate disruption and massive ecosystem and species losses, appear so intractable. He examines the psychological and philosophical aspects of these questions to try to answer why people and organizations do not respond to the scale of the environmental crises when they appear to wish to do so.
Worthy, K., E. Allison, and W. Bauman (eds.). (2018). After the Death of Nature: Carolyn Merchant and the Future of Human-Environment Relations. New York, Routledge.
Worthy, K., E. Allison, and W. Bauman. (2018). “Introduction,” in Worthy, K., E. Allison, and W. Bauman (eds.), (2018). After the Death of Nature: Carolyn Merchant and the Future of Human-Environment Relations. New York, Routledge.
Worthy, K. (2018). “The Death of Nature or Divorce from Nature?,” in Worthy, K., E. Allison, and W. Bauman (eds.), (2018). After the Death of Nature: Carolyn Merchant and the Future of Human-Environment Relations. New York, Routledge.
Worthy, K. (2014). Milgram, proximity, and environmental crisis. In Regina V. Ershova & Alexander Y. Voronov (Eds.), Stanley Milgram's Obedience Paradigm for 2014 (pp. 260–284). Kolomna, Russia: Moscow Regional State Institute of Humanities and Social Studies.
Worthy, K. (2014), Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species (book review). Environmental Ethics 36(2): 233–236.
Worthy, K. (2013). Invisible Nature: Healing the Destructive Divide between People and the Environment. Amherst, N.Y., Prometheus Books.
Worthy, K. (2008). Ecopsychology. Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability: The Spirit of Sustainability. ed. W. Jenkins. Great Barrington, Mass., Berkshire Publishing Group.
Worthy, K. (2008). Modern Institutions, Phenomenal Dissociations, and Destructiveness Toward Humans and the Environment. Organization & Environment 21(2): 148–170.
Worthy, K. (2008). Moral Habitat: Ethos and Agency for the Sake of Earth (review). World Views: Environment, Culture, Religion 12(1): 104–107.
Worthy, K., R. C. Strohman, P. R. Billings, and The Berkeley Biotechnology Working Group. (2005). Agricultural Biotechnology Science Compromised: The Case of Quist and Chapela. Controversies in Science and Technology: From Maize to Menopause. ed. D. L. Kleinman, A. J. Kinchy, and J. Handelsman. Madison, Wis., University of Wisconsin Press.
Worthy, K., R. C. Strohman, and P. R. Billings. (2002). Conflicts Around a Study of Mexican Crops (Correspondence). Nature 417:897.
Chancellor's Public Scholar
Creative Discovery Fellow
University of California, Berkeley Spring, 2020
ESPM 50ac: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
(480 students)
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2020
JAN 140: Apocalypse Now? Will Modern Civilization Collapse in Our Lifetimes?
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2019
ESPM 50ac: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
(480 students)
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2019
ESPM 161: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics (140 students)
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2019
ESPM 160AC and History 120AC (cross-listed):
American Environmental and Cultural History
American cultures requirement course
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2019
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Bridge Program; American cultures requirement course
University of California, Berkeley Spring, 2019
ESPM 162: Bioethics and Society
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2019
JAN 186: The Web of Life on the Island of the Gods: Nature & Culture in Bali
(travel course)
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2018
ESPM 161: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2018
ESPM XB50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Fall Program for Freshmen; American cultures requirement course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley June 11, 2018
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2018
ESPM 161: Environmental Philosophy and Ethics
Summer Session A
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2018
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Session A; American cultures requirement course
St. Mary’s College of California Spring, 2018
EES 120: Sustainability
New York University, School of Professional Studies Spring, 2018
PWRT1-GC 3020: Writing for Science & the Environment
Online graduate course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley January 29, 2018
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2017
ESPM 162: Bioethics and Society (199 students)
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2017
ESPM XB50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Fall Program for Freshmen; American cultures requirement course
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2017
ESPM 169: International Environmental Politics
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2017
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Bridge Program; American cultures requirement course
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2017
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Session A; American cultures requirement course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley May 4, 2017
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
New York University, School of Professional Studies Spring, 2017
PWRT1-GC 3020: Writing for Science & the Environment
Online graduate course
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2017
JAN 185: The Web of Life on the Island of the Gods: Nature & Culture in Bali
(travel course)
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley Nov 3, 2016
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2016
ESPM 162: Bioethics and Society (150 students)
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2016
ESPM XB50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Fall Program for Freshmen (2 lecture sections—50 students & 100 students)
American cultures requirement course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley July 5, 2016
“Leading toward a Healthy, Just, & Sustainable World”
Washington Fellows Program, Young African Leaders Initiative
U.S. Department of State
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2016
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Bridge Program
American cultures requirement course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley June 6, 2016
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2016
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Session A
American cultures requirement course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley March 17, 2016
“Synergies of Vigilance: Protecting Society by Protecting Nature through Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
St. Mary’s College of California Spring, 2016
EES 120: Sustainability
New York University, School of Professional Studies Spring, 2016
PWRT1-GC 3020: Writing for Science & the Environment
Online graduate course
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2016
JAN 159: Finding the Human Place in Nature
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2015
ESPM XB50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Fall Program for Freshmen (2 lecture sections—50 students & 100 students)
American cultures requirement course
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2015
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Bridge Program
American cultures requirement course
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley July 6, 2015
“Leading toward a Healthy, Just, & Sustainable World”
Washington Fellows Program, Young African Leaders Initiative
U.S. Department of State
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley July 2, 2015
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
Top-level Indian government officials
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2015
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
Summer Session A
American cultures requirement course
New York University, School of Professional Studies Spring, 2015
PWRT1-GC 3020: Writing for Science & the Environment
Online graduate course
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2015
JAN 185: The Web of Life on the Island of the Gods: Nature & Culture in Bali
(travel course)
St. Mary’s College of California Fall, 2014
EES 90: Introduction to Sustainability
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley July 17, 2014
“Navigating Complex Governance Issues with Environmental Ethics”
Global and Executive Program
High-level Indian government officials
Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley June 30, 2014
“Leading toward a Healthy, Just, & Sustainable World”
Washington Fellows Program, Young African Leaders Initiative
U.S. Department of State
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2014
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
American cultures requirement course
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2014
JAN 186: The Web of Life on the Island of the Gods: Ecology, Magic, Religion, & the Arts in Bali (travel course)
University of California, Santa Cruz Fall, 2013
ENVS 173: An Introduction to World Environmental History
University of California, Berkeley Summer, 2013
ESPM 50AC: Introduction to Culture and Natural Resource Management
American cultures requirement course
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2013
JAN 159: Finding the Human Place in Nature
University of California, Santa Cruz Fall, 2012
ENVS 173: An Introduction to World Environmental History
University of California, Santa Cruz Winter, 2012
ENVS 173: An Introduction to World Environmental History
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2012
JAN 144: World Environmental History
University of California, Santa Cruz Winter, 2011
ENVS 173: An Introduction to World Environmental History
St. Mary’s College of California January, 2011
JAN 143: World Environmental History
University of California, Berkeley Fall, 2010
ESPM 160AC and History 120AC (cross-listed):
American Environmental and Cultural History
American cultures requirement course
University of California, Santa Cruz Spring, 2010
ENVS 173: An Introduction to World Environmental History
University of California, Santa Cruz Winter, 2009
ENVS 173: An Introduction to World Environmental History
Contact details
Kenneth Worthy
Fall 2021 office hours: M 3-5p
Office: 33 Mulford Hall
UC Berkeley
130 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720