For all publications, please see my Google Scholar page.
Selected Publications:
Westeen EP, Martínez-Fonseca JG, Chen H, Wang IJ. Phenotypic diversity facilitates niche partitioning in a sky island assemblage of spiny lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Westeen EP, Martínez-Fonseca JG, d'Orgeix CA, Walker FM, Sanchez DE, Wang IJ. Dietary niche partitioning of three Sky Island Sceloporus lizards as revealed through DNA metabarcoding. Ecology & Evolution.
Ramírez Castañeda1, V, EP Westeen1, J Frederick, S Amini, D Wait, AS Achmadi, N Andayanie, E Arida, U Arifin, MA Bérnal, E Bonaccorso, MB Sanguila, RM Brown, J Che, FP Condori, D Hartiningtias, AE Hiller, DT Iskandar, RA Jiménez, R Khelifa, R Márquez, JG Martínez-Fonseca, JL Parra, JV Peñalba, L Pinto-García, OH Razafindratsima, S Ron, S Souza, J Supriatna, RCK Bowie, C Cicero, JA McGuire, RD Tarvin. A set of principles and practical suggestions for equitable fieldwork in biology. 1 co-first authors.
Yuan ML, Westeen EP, Wogan GOU, Wang IJ. Female dewlap ornaments are evolutionarily labile and associated with increased diversification rates in Anolis lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 289:20221871
Westeen EP, Durso AM, Grundler MC, Rabosky DL, and Davis Rabosky AR. What makes a fang? Phylogenetic and ecological controls on tooth evolution in rear-fanged snakes. BMC Evol Biol 20, 80.
Hood C, Westeen EP, Martínez-Fonseca JG. Sea Turtles to Sidewinders: A Guide to the Most Fascinating Reptiles and Amphibians of the West. Timber Press 2022: