B.Sc. in Biology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
M.Sc. in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation with concentration in Tropical Conservation and Development, University of Florida, USA
conservation science and policy; wildlife trade and hunting; community-based approach; bat ecology
I value compassion, integrity, and collaboration in my work as a conservation scientist and practitioner. For my Ph.D., I will study the governance of different conservation models in Southeast Asia, in particular, Indonesia, and look at how each model is effective and equitable in contributing to biodiversity and people's well-being.
Before joining the Brashares group, I worked as a conservation scientist in the Wildlife Conservation Society Indonesia Program, covering a wide range of conservation issues in partnership with local to national governments. This included protected area management, wildlife trade and policy, One Health, nationwide capacity-building initiatives, and impact mitigation of infrastructure development. I also co-founded and led Tambora Muda, one of the first national-level networks for Indonesian young conservationists, and recently became part of the steering committee that together established the IUCN SSC Indonesian Species Specialist Group (IdSSG) to foster Global South leadership and bridge collaborative conservation across regions. I co-founded and until now led PROGRES -an organization based in my home Sulawesi- to build a network of empowered communities to protect Sulawesi endemic wildlife in the biodiversity hotspot of Wallacea. Throughout my work, I hope to center conservation on people and redefine conservation from the bottom up.
My other specialization is also in bat ecology and conservation, quantifying their ecosystem services and threats. For almost ten years, I have studied bat hunting throughout Sulawesi and worked together with the local community to protect them.
Sheherazade, S.M. Tsang, & A.A. Lanusi. 2022. The power of woman-to-woman mentorship creating long-term changes in biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Frontiers in Conservation Science (3): https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2022.1006437.
Sheherazade, H.K. Ober, & S.M. Tsang. 2019. Contributions of bats to the local economy through durian pollination in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biotropica 51(6): 913-922. https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.12712
Struebig M.J., S.G. Aninta, M. Beger, A. Bani, H. Barus, S. Brace, Z.G. Davies, M. de Brauwer, K. Diele, C. Djakiman, R. Djamaluddin, R. Drinkwater, A. Dumbrell, D. Evans, M. Fusi, L. Herrera-Alsina, D.T. Iskandar, J. Jompa, B. Juliandi, L.T. Lancaster, D. Limmon, Lindawati, M.G.Y. Lo, P. Lupiyaningdyah, M. McCannon, E. Meijaard, S.L. Mitchell, S. Mumbunan, D. O'Connell, O.G. Osborne, A.S.T. Papadopulos, J.S. Rahajoe, Rosaria, S.J. Rossiter, Rugayah, H. Rustiami, U. Salzmann, Sheherazade, I.M. Sudiana, E. Sukara, J.S. Tasirin, A. Tjoa, J.M.J. Travis, L. Trethowan, A. Trianto, T. Utteridge, M. Voigt, N. Winarni, Z. Zakaria, D.P. Edwards, L. Frantz, & J. Supriatna. 2022. Safeguarding imperiled biodiversity and evolutionary processes in the Wallacea center of endemism. BioScience 72(11): 1118-1130. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/biac085
Ocampo-Ariza, C., M.Toledo-Hernandez, F. Libran-Embid, D. Armenteras, J. Vansynghel, E. Raveloaritiana, I. Arimond, A. Angulo-Rubiano, T. Tscharntke, V. Ramirez-Castaneda, A. Wurz, G. Marcacci, M. Anders, J.N. Urbina-Cardona, A. de Vos, S. Devy, C. Westphal, A. Toomey, Sheherazade, Y. Chirango, B. Maas. 2023. Global South leadership towards inclusive tropical ecology and conservation. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pecon.2023.01.002.
Sheherazade & S.M. Tsang. 2015. Quantifying the bat bushmeat trade in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, with suggestions for conservation action. Global Ecology and Conservation 3: 324-330. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2015.01.003
Sheherazade, E. Hesdianti, & M. Indrawan. 2017. 7- Moluccan Babirusa Babyrousa babyrussa (Linnaeus, 1758). In M. Melletti & E. Meijaard (Eds.), Ecology, Conservation and Management of Wild Pigs and Peccaries (pp. 70-75). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316941232.009
Matthew, S.L., E. Meijaard, S. Surya, Sheherazade, C. Walzer, & M. Linkie. 2020. African Swine Fever threatens Southeast Asia’s 11 endemic wild pig species. Conservation Letters: https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12784
Setyawati, U., S. Nando, W. Marthy, N. Andayani, Sheherazade, & M. Linkie. 2020. Planning to remove UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Sumatra from being ‘In Danger’. Animal Conservation: https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12626.
Sheherazade, & S.M. Tsang. 2018. Roost of gray flying fox (Pteropus griseus) in Indonesia and records of a new hunting threat. Diversity 10(3): 102. https://doi.org/10.3390/d10030102
Arini, D.I.D., M. Christita, Sheherazade, A. Mayasari, R. Suryaningsih, & A.T.A.J. Simamora. 2020. A review of Anoa conservation efforts in Sulawesi, Indonesia. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 533: 012003.
Turton, S.M., A. Lynam, A.C. Hughes, P. Parolin, S. Calme, J.M.V. Fragoso, Sheherazade, M. Linkie. 2020. The future for ATBC conservation declarations. Biotropica 52(5): 795-802. https://doi.org/10.1111/btp.12846
Mary-Ruth Low, W. Z. Hoong, Z. Shen, B. Murugavel, N. Mariner, L.M. Paguntalan, K. Tanalgo, M.M. Aung, Sheherazade, L.A. Bansa, T. Sritongchuay, J.H. Preble, S. A. Aziz. 2021. Bane or Blessing? Reviewing cultural values of bats across the Asia Pacific region. Journal of Ethnobiology 41(1): 18-34: https://doi.org/10.2993/0278-0771-41.1.18
Sheherazade, Yasman, D.H. Pradana, & S.M. Tsang. 2017. The role of fruit bats in plant community changes in an urban forest in Indonesia. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 65: 497-505. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E7A1E7BD-0334-4FF8-865E-6CDB...
2023 - IUCN Young Changemaker selected and invited to the IUCN Leaders Forum in Geneva, Switzerland
2020 - Fulbright Doctoral Degree (PhD) Scholarship
2022 - People Choice Award Conservation Optimism Southeast Asia Awards
2021 - Luis F. Bacardi Advances in Tropical Conservation Award for works on ‘Community-based conservation of bats on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi: special thanks to durian’ in the Virtual Meeting of Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), July 21st-23rd, 2021 ‘Lessons, advances, and opportunities in the face of global change’
2020 - Peter Ashton Prize, Biotropica Editorial Board-selected outstanding paper, “Contributions of bats to the local economy through durian pollination in Sulawesi, Indonesia”
2019 - Highly commended, Tony Whitten Conservation Prize
Contact details
UC Berkeley
130 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA 94720