Ecology of emerging plant diseases and insect-microbe interactions
Ecology, Global change, Plant ecophysiology, Community ecology, Biogeography, Biodiversity, Useful plants, Machine learning, Eco-informatics, Mathematical modeling, Remote sensing
Theoretical ecology, ecoinformatics, modeling, data science, resilience, early warning signals, decision theory
agroecology, soil ecology and biogeochemistry, plant-soil-microbe interactions
Global change microbial ecology, symbioses, environmental virology, marine science, coral reefs, ocean futures
559-646-6522 (Kearney)
Control of insect pests in agricultural crops
Biological Control and Sustainable Agriculture
Ecological modeling, computational statistics, population ecology
Neuroethology, behavioral ecology, and evolutionary biology of arthropods
Evolutionary ecology, systematics, spider biology, conservation
life history, freshwater ecology, caddisflies
undergraduate research, scientific writing
Invasive species, Biological control, Population ecology, Entomology/Insect biology
global change, invasive species, biodiversity, genomic observatories, environmental science, sustainability, insects
Global Change Biology, Evolutionary Ecology, Conservation Genomics, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Speciation & Extinction
Freshwater ecology, biodiversity conservation, community ecology, global change
Behavior, genetics, and chemical ecology of social insects. Outdoor education and science outreach.