Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist interviews Ricardo, an urban gardener originally from Mexico, as part of her research and extension project titled, \" Mapping Agro-biodiversity Hotspots and Cultural Foods in the Urban Food Desert: Fostering community food security, bio-cultural diversity and Health.\"
As part of a land-grant institution, ESPM is dedicated to extending science that will help improve environmental, social and economic conditions for the people of California. The work done by the specialists in ESPM is integral to the success of the department and the mission of the Rausser College of Natural Resources. By conducting and publishing applied research, writing and disseminating educational materials, developing new interactive web-based technologies, and participating in stakeholder and agency working groups and committees, cooperative extension specialists provide the people of California with "tools to both protect the Earth's natural resources and ensure economic and ecological sustainability for future generations (College mission statement)." The current strengths of the specialists in ESPM are conservation biology, landscape ecology, wildlife management, urban and agricultural pest management, forestry and forest pathology, fire ecology, and food security.
Our CE specialists are listed on this page.
Below is a list of online resources that are part of the crucial work being done by ESPM's Extension Specialists:
- Cal-Adapt: Exploring California's Climate Change Research
- Center for Fire Research and Outreach
- Forest Research and Outreach Blog
- Oak Conservation Blog: Information from the University of California on Oak Woodlands
- OakMapper: Monitoring Sudden Death Oak
- UC Berkeley Forest Pathology and Mycology Lab
- UC California Naturalist
- UC Forest Research and Outreach
- UC Berkeley Urban Pest Management
- UC Oak Woodland Management