Geil R. Merana, Laura R. Dwyer, Miqdad O. Dhariwala, Antonin Weckel, Jeanmarie R. Gonzalez, Joy N. Okoro, Jarish N. Cohen, Courtney M. Tamaki, Jungmin Han, Preston Tasoff, et al. (2022). “Intestinal inflammation alters the antigen-specific immune response to a skin commensal.” Cell Reports Open Access.
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Geil Ramvielle Merana; Laura Rachel Dwyer; Miqdad Onali Dhariwala; Antonin Weckel; Jeanmarie Rose Gonzalez; Joy N Okoro; Jarish N. Cohen; Courtney M Tamaki; Jungmin Han; Preston Tasoff; Yasmin Palacios-Calderon; Connie W. Y. Ha; Susan V Lynch; Julia A Segre; Kong H Heidi; Michael G Kattah; Averil Ma; Tiffany C Scharschmidt. (2022) “Intestinal inflammation breaks established immune tolerance to a skin commensal.” Cell Press Community.
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