Departmental Forms
PhD Forms
Please note, all forms must be submitted at least three weeks in advance, and no later than the third week of the semester to which they apply.
Preparing for the Qualifying Examination
- Forming a Qualifying Exam Committee? Please review this how-to guide for adding a higher degree committee to your Calcentral account. This eForm must be processed by the third week of the semester you intend to take your QE.
- Complete the ESPM QE Survey by the third week of the semester you intend to take the QE.
Pre-Qualifying Exam Form. Use this form to plan your academic career, form a guiding committee, and form your qualifying exam committee; work with your faculty advisor on this document. Does not need to be submitted to the department.
- Society & Environment QE and PhD Process and Procedures [Google Doc] - a guide to advancing to candidacy for S&E students, including a QE timeline and guide to drafting the dissertation prospectus.
- Reading List Approval Form, Society & Environment Division [PDF]- S&E students should work with their faculty advisor and committee to complete and submit to the S&E GPC representative (Sunaura Taylor in AY24-25) a minimum of four months prior to their exam date.
Post Qualifying Examination
- The annual Doctoral Candidacy Review form can be found on Graduate Division's forms pages. Final submission of this form is due before the first day of the following academic year. Submit the form in Calcentral.
- Finishing Seminar Approval Form [PDF]- This form should be completed/signed and submitted to GSAO prior to filing the dissertation.
Other Department Forms for PhD Students
- Prior to your Advancement to Candidacy: Request for Change in Guiding Professor [PDF]- Completed requests should be submitted to GSAO.
- Need a space to take your examination, or present your finishing talk? Fill out a room reservation here.
Master's Program (Forestry and Range Management) Forms
The forms below are to be completed and submitted to the GSAO once your plan and committee are determined. Please note, this form must be submitted at least three weeks in advance, and no later than the third week of the semester to which they apply.
- Masters in Forestry: Guiding Committee Form [PDF]
- Masters in Range: Program Planning Form [Google Doc - make a copy to make your own plan!]
To bring to your oral examination (both Forestry and Range students in Plan II):
- Report on Comprehensive Oral Examination [PDF]- This form is to be completed at the end of the oral examination (Plan II).
Graduate Division Forms
- Graduate Division Forms & Applications- Find qualifying exam applications and advancement to candidacy forms in CalCentral.
- Many student forms are now processed through CalCentral.
- Please review further CalCentral higher degree form assistance and resources here.
Office of the Registrar Forms
Note: You may download a form and are required to bring it to Graduate Student Services for Graduate Advisor signature and filing.