Pedology isotope biogeochemistry, impact of climate and life on earth processes, soils in biogeochemical cycles, human impacts on soils and ecosystems
biometeorology, biosphere-atmosphere trace gas fluxes, ecosystem ecology, climate change
Geomicrobiology, environmental biogeochemistry, microbial community ecology and evolution
Wildlife Ecology, Conservation and Socioeconomics
Land systems science, conservation, environmental economics and policy, coupled human natural systems, GIS applications
Fish ecology, river ecology, life-history diversity, salmon portfolios
+1 510 664 7027
Forest and fuel management, landscape fire ecology, historical ecology
Ecohydrology; Surface Hydrology; Ecosystem Ecology; Aeolian Processes; Desertification; Stochastic, Nonlinear Environmental Dynamics; Water and Food Security
Physiological plant ecology, stable isotope biogeochemistry
Ecosystem & landscape ecology, remote sensing, spatial analysis, biodiversity, wetlands, urban ecosystems
510 643-4282
Forest pathology, forest mycology, forest and tree management
233 Mulford Hall
Hydrologic response and interaction between natural and human driven processes, land surface remote sensing and multi-sensor, -spectrum, -resolution data assimilation; hydrology contribution to sea level change, snow hydrology.
Rangeland conservation and management: http://nature.berkeley.edu/huntsingerlab-wp/
Ecosystem dynamics; carbon and water cycling; ecophysiology; vegetation states, rates and traits; biogeochemistry; micrometeorology; atmospheric science; mathematics and data science
GIS and remote sensing, historical ecology, drones, spatial data science
Conservation Science
Climate Stewardship
Climate-wise Habitat Connectivity
Working Lands Conservation
Community Science
Soil & environmental biogeophysics, fate & transport of contaminants
carbon removal, nature based climate solutions, forest management, biofuels, plantation agriculture, land use planning, land use policy, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, tropical ecology, environmental economics
Atmospheric science: stratospheric ozone depletion, air quality and greenhouse gases. Trace gas biogeochemistry of halocarbons, hydrocarbons and reduced sulfur compounds. Biosphere-atmosphere flux measurements in natural and human-impacted landscapes. Education development in ocean, climate and atmospheric sciences.
carbon dioxide removal, bioenergy, California forests, climate policy, energy systems modeling
Urban ecology, animal behavior, endocrine mechanisms, human-wildlife conflict, social-ecological systems, environmental justice, mammalogy
Wildlife conservation, human impacts on wildlife, wildlife/urban interface
(510) 642-7304
Wildland fire science, fire ecology, forest ecology, forest policy, forest management
+1 510 664-4684
landscape genetics, ecological and conservation genomics, adaptive radiation
Forest Ecology, Disturbance Regime Guided Silviculture, Giant Sequoia restoration, Prescribed burning, Pyrosilviculture