

Briana L Abrahms's picture
conservation planning, connectivity science, landscape ecology, wildlife management
Seira A. Adams's picture
Evolutionary Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Pheromones, Spider Biology
Manisha Anantharaman's picture
just transitions, sustainable consumption and production, environmental politics
Jeremy Andersen's picture
Population Genetics, Biological Control, Hybridization, Plant Insect Interactions
Karen Andrade's picture
microbial ecology, microbial ecosystem services, green chemistry, science and society, access to research
Chelsea Andreozzi's picture
conservation planning, wildlife ecology, forest ecology, bats
946145's picture
Range ecology, landscape ecology, nutrient cycling
Clint Atkinson's picture
wildlife ecology, human-large carnivore conflict, large carnivore monitoring and management
Joan Elizabeth Ball-Damerow's picture
Freshwater ecology, biological indicators, aquatic entomology, land use and climate change, dragonfly distribution, historical ecolgy
Brad Balukjian's picture
Systematics/Natural HIstory/Entomology/Evolutionary Biology
Javiera Barandiaran's picture
Science studies, environmental politics, public policy
Kristin Barker's picture
wildlife ecology, predator-prey interactions, partial migration
Sheila Barry's picture
Grazing Management, Ecosystems Services from Working Rangelands
Patrick Baur's picture
Postdoctoral Fellow
Diversified Food Systems, Science and Technology Studies (STS), Political Ecology
Areidy Beltran-Peña's picture
Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Earth System Science, Climate Change, Hydrology, Food Security, Land - Atmosphere Interactions, Satellite Remote Sensing, Development Engineering, Data Science
Sasha Berleman's picture
Prescribed fire as a management technique for threshold reversal in medusahead
Francisco Pontual's picture
Socio-environmental approaches to rural development, Amazonian ribeirinho history and survival strategies, Sustainable rural development and agroecological transition.
Hekia Bodwitch's picture
Environmental Policy, Natural Resource Management, Agriculture, Fisheries, Indigenous Development, Indigenous Environmental Governance, Indigenous Rights
Becca Brunner's picture
wildlife conservation, tropical ecology, animal behavior, forest-agriculture matrix, bioacoustics, amphibians, birds
Linda Buergi's picture
Biological Control of Insects
Allan Cabrero's picture
Diptera, Bombyliidae, Systematics, Taxonomy, Evolutionary Biology, Phylogenetics, Metagenomics, Namibia, South Africa, Deserts
Benjamin Caldwell's picture
Forest ecology and management, carbon allocation and sequestration, clonal regeneration
Kendall Calhoun's picture
Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, Community Ecology, California Wildfires, Resilience
Colin J Carlson's picture
Spatial ecology; ecological modeling; climate change; extinction risk; host-parasite interactions
Kristina Cervantes-Yoshida's picture
Freshwater ecology, stream fish communities, watershed land use, urban streams, drought disturbances
Dylan Edward Chapple's picture
Restoration Ecology, Plant Community Ecology, Wetland Ecology, Science Education
Emily Chen's picture
Population dynamics, fisheries management, ecological modeling, salmon ecology
Lindsay A. Chiono's picture
My research interests include the ecological and historical roles of fire in the western United States, and addressing relevant management questions. Current research includes shaded fuel break vegetation regrowth according to treatment type and site factors.
Esther Choi's picture
Sustainability, Climate Change, Economic Development, International Organizations.
Alasdair Cohen's picture
Drinking water (contamination, treatment, and supply) and environmental health in low-income rural communities
Chryl Corbin's picture
Race, Class, Green Spaces, Gentrification, Urban Political Ecology, Urban Planning, Media, and Science Fiction (Futurism/Utopian/ Dystopian/Speculative)
Stella Cousins's picture
plant stress, forest community ecology, silviculture, urban-rural interfaces, cultural landscapes, and environmental history
Jessica CRAFT's picture
Phylogenetics, Population genetics, Drosophila
Sarah Di Vittorio's picture
American Environmental Policy, Politics, and Governance
Sibyl Wentz Diver's picture
Natural resource governance with indigenous peoples in Pacific Northwest salmon watersheds
Eric R. Dougherty's picture
Disease Ecology; Computational Modeling; Biological Conservation
Environmental Justice, GIS, Public Health, Urban Health Equity, Race & Identity
Joan Celeste Dudney's picture
Forest ecology, community ecology, invasive species, restoration ecology, pests and pathogens
Pranjal Dwivedi's picture
Soil biogeochemistry, soil carbon, land-use change, redox chemistry
Kelly J Easterday's picture
historical ecology, forestry, change mapping, climate change
Sara Emery's picture
Indirect Interactions, Parasitoid Food Webs and Dispersal in Disturbed Landscapes, Host Selection
Kenzo Emiliano Esquivel's picture
Agroecology, soil health, socio-ecological systems, sustainability transitions
Shasta Ferranto's picture
Landscape Ecology, Collaborative Resource Management, Adaptive Management
Ms. Kari Michelle Michelle Finstad's picture
Soil isotope geochemistry, biogeochemistry, astrobiology, soil science, ecosystem science, surface processes
Jane A. Flegal's picture
Designated Emphasis in Science and Technology Studies (STS); science policy; climate and energy politics and policy.
Maria J Friedman's picture
Forest pathology, forest mycology, microbial ecology, how it all works
Sharon Y. Fuller's picture
Indigenous Knowledge, Livelihoods, Gender, Water Resources
Brett Furnas's picture
quantitative ecology, wildlife ecology, biodiversity, bird song
Kaitlyn Gaynor's picture
wildlife ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife coexistence, conservation biology, coupled human-natural systems
Sydney Glassman's picture
Fungal ecology, mycology
Nicholas Goedeking's picture
Climate policy, energy policy, political economy, climate change, cities, mobility transitions, energy transitions, low-carbon infrastructure, public investment
Ben Goldstein's picture
Species distribution modeling
Citizen science
Daniela S. Goltsman's picture
Microbial diversity and ecology of extreme environments
Ellyn Gray's picture
Atmospheric Science, Air Quality, Field Measurements
Morgan Gray's picture
Connectivity, climate change, ecological modeling
Traci Grzymala's picture
Systematics; Coleoptera; Behavior; Microscopy
A. Clare Gupta's picture
political ecology, rural livelihoods, human-wildlife conflict, conservation policy, community-based natural resource management, Botswana
Christopher Gurney's picture
Conservation, restoration, community ecology, and environmental management.
Lauren M Hallett's picture
community ecology, restoration ecology, rangeland management
Alexandra Harmon-Threatt's picture
Conservation Biology, Pollination Ecology, Invasion Biology
conservation biology, landscape genomics, ecological genomics
Sarah Hartman's picture
Food-Water Nexus, Agriculture, Remote Sensing, Hydrology, Water Resources
Maya K. Hayden's picture
Riparian forest ecology, physical-biological interactions in river systems (e.g., effects of altered disturbance regimes on vegetation dynamics), persistence strategies of pioneer trees, floodplain restoration and water resources management.
Jessica Heiges's picture
municipal solid waste, food packaging waste, zero waste, Berkeley foodware ordinance, school meal program waste, California plastic waste exports, China's Operation National Sword
David H. Hembry's picture
Codiversification of a plant-insect mutualism in the Pacific
Kyle S Hemes's picture
Biometeorology, ecosystem ecology, land use change, climate policy
Claudia Herbert's picture
Remote Sensing, Forest Policy, GIS, Wildfire Ecology
Margot Higgins's picture
environmental history, political ecology, race, resilience, nature-society interactions, local ecological knowledge (LEK)
Kirsten Hill's picture
Spider and Grassland Ecology
Anna Holmquist's picture
Arachnology, biogeography, ecology and evolution, biodiversity discovery
Julie Hopper's picture
Global Change Biology, Biological Control, Insect Ecology, Multitrophic Interactions, Marine Biology and Parasitology
Roxanne Hulme Foss's picture
Range Management, Disturbance Ecology, GIS, Vegetation Change
LISA HUNT's picture
Aquatic ecology, hydrology, pesticide ecotoxicology, sustainable agriculture
Leke Hutchins's picture
Conservation biology, agroecology, Hawaiian food sovereignty
Jason Hwan's picture
Freshwater Ecology, Fish Ecology, Conservation Biology, Intermittent Streams
Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz's picture
Atmospheric Chemistry, Aerosol, Instrumentation
Dryw Jones's picture
Carbon sequestration dynamics in forested ecosystems
Alexandra Kahn's picture
Pathogen Evolution
Brian Kastl's picture
Water management, salmon conservation, environmental flows, freshwater ecology, hydrology, geomorphology, outreach/education
Matteo F. Kausch's picture
biogeochemistry / environmental chemistry, reactive transport modeling, soil / sediment & water, selenium, environmental policy & management
Emily Kearney's picture
Plant-Insect Interactions, Pollination Ecology, Agroecology, Conservation
Lisa Kelley's picture
agrarian change & livelihoods, land use & cover change, interdisciplinary research design & methods, environmental policy assessment & analysis
Suzanne J. Kelson's picture
freshwater ecology, conservation management, eco-evolutionary dynamics
Susan R Kennedy's picture
spiders and spider outreach, adaptive radiations, evolutionary ecology
Ellen Kersten's picture
GIS, spatial analysis, environmental justice, public health, health disparities
Allison Green Kidder's picture
Plant ecology, plant ecophysiology, plant water relations
Chippie Kislik's picture
Remote Sensing, GIS, Drones, Aquatic Science, Lakes & Reservoirs, Water Quality
Ansel Olive Klein's picture
Agroecology, Soil Science, Remote Sensing & GIS
Mario J Klip's picture
Urban Wildlife
Heather A. Kramer's picture
Fire, GIS, and LiDAR
Kevin Krasnow's picture
Forest Ecology / Disturbance Ecology
Alexander Krohn's picture
Evolutionary biology and ecology of reptiles and amphibians. Convergent evolution. Conservation biology. Conservation genetics. Landscape Ecology
Noriko Kusumi's picture
International Political Economy and the Environment; Ecological Economics; Environmental Justice; and Business Ethics (Corporate Social Responsibility & Socially Responsible Investment)
James LaChance's picture
Marine aquaculture and fisheries management; conservation science; agriculture and seafood systems; outreach and extension
Athena W. Lam's picture
Population Connectivity, Biogeography, New Guinea Diving Beetles, Next Generation Sequencing
Kyle Leathers's picture
freshwater ecology, food webs, environmental stressors, macroinvertebrates
Shufei Lei's picture
Information and Environmental Governance in Collaborative Management of Public Resources
Carrie Levine's picture
Forest ecology, community ecology, restoration ecology, ecological modeling
Madeleine Levy's picture
Rangeland ecology and management, Population ecology, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Wildlife management
Sarah M. Lewis's picture
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, Land Use Change, Biofuels
lu liang's picture
Remote Sensing, GIS, LULC, biodiversity, infectious disease
Xinchen Lu's picture
Climate change, Data science, Remote sensing, Phenology
Matthew Luskin's picture
Community Ecology, Conservation Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Tropical Rainforests
Luke Macaulay's picture
Rangeland Conservation & Management
landscape analyses; ecology; management; economics; policy
Sarah A. Maclean's picture
spatial ecology
Kaitlyn Mathis's picture
Behavior and chemical ecology of social insects; cue use in multitrophic interactions; phorid flies; ant associated beetles
Allegra C Mayer's picture
Biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, soil, land-use/management, climate change
Gavin McNicol's picture
My main interests relate to the biogeochemical controls on greenhouse gas fluxes from soil and the methods used to extrapolate in situ flux measurements across larger scales.
Albie Miles's picture
Agroecology; Diversified Farming Systems; Multi-functional Agriculture; Political Economy of Agricultural Development
Diana Moanga's picture
Mapping spatial patterns of change, natural resource conservation, ecosystem services, environmental policy
Hana Moidu's picture
freshwater ecology, intermittent streams, hydrology
Agroecology and diversified farming systems
Jessie Moravek's picture
Freshwater research and conservation; hydropower development; salmon conservation
Jason Morris-Jung's picture
Social movements, civil society, hegemony, articulation, justice, nature, Vietnam, Southeast Asia
Conservation biology, Agroecology, Wildlife ecology, Landscape ecology, Climate change.
Anne F. Murray's picture
Chemical Ecology
Lakshmi Narayan's picture
Forestry, Forest Genetics
Melody S. Nocon's picture
Groundwater Geochemistry of Arsenic
Clay F Noss's picture
Evolutionary ecology, herpetology
Joshua ONeill's picture
GIS, Forest Health
Lepidoptera (moths); Island Biogeography; Systematics
Erik Oerter's picture
Geochemical processes occurring at Earth's surface, Application of isotopic techniques to geochemical problems
Phoebe Parker-Shames's picture
Ecology, land use change, conservation, human-wildlife conflict
Robert Parks's picture
Philosophy, history of modern and contemporary scientific understandings, history of ecology, community ecology, ecological food webs, action-reaction, force, Eel River (CA)
Sean Perez's picture
Evolutionary Biology; Entomology; Genetics; Transcriptomics; Metabolomics
Thomas J Poorten's picture
Bioinformatics, Host-Pathogen Interactions, Evolutionary Genomics
Carolina Prado's picture
Women's Transborder Activism on Environmental Justice in the San Diego-Tijuana region
Mindy Jewell Price's picture
political ecology; sociology of agriculture; rural livelihoods; critical Indigenous studies; arctic/subarctic agriculture; sustainable and equitable environmental resource management
Aghaghia Rahimzadeh's picture
Community-based natural resource management, sustainable mountain livelihoods, international development, tribal/indigenous studies, gender, political ecology, India
Sarah Reed's picture
Mima mound-vernal pool ecosystems; bioturbation; geomorphology; GIS
Sara A Reid's picture
Traditional Ecological Knowledge; Ethnobotany; Range Management; California grassland restoration
Chandra Richards's picture
Soil biogeochemistry, Estuarine science, Aquatic geochemistry
Christine S Rivera's picture
Behavioral Ecology, Evolution, Sexual Selection, Jumping Spiders
Dr. Frances B Roberts-Gregory's picture
Environmental, Energy, and Climate Justice; Black Feminist Ecologies; Resilience, Sustainability, and Climate Adaptation; Feminist Environmentalism(s); Digital Media and Digital Activism; Community Geography; Blue-Green Infrastructure; Black Feminist and Environmental Anthropology; Gender and Climate Policy; Indigeneity; Feminist Political Ecology; Ecowomanism; Critical Ethnobotany; Mixed Methods; Community-Based Participatory Action Research; Environmental Communication; Civic Engagement and Environmental Activism
Allison Rofe's picture
Range ecology
Andrew J Rominger's picture
Macroecology, ecological theory, evolution on islands
Sebastian Rubiano-Galvis's picture
Environmental law and policy, political ecology, socio-legal studies, global environmental politics, science and technology studies (STS), critical studies of toxicity, discard studies, repair and maintenance, Latin America, Colombia.
Rebecca Ryals's picture
Climate Change Impacts on Carbon Storage in Annual Grassland, Nitrogen Deposition Effects on CA Soils
Connor Ryan's picture
Forest management, historical ecology, pattern-process links
Rachael Ryan's picture
freshwater ecology; conservation; salmon life-history; population diversity
Ethics and politics of sustainability, History and philosophy of sustainability engineering, Politics of Life Cycle Assessment, Social Life Cycle Assessment, Social acceptance of renewable energy, Engineering education for sustainability, Sustainability and justice
Hillary Sardinas's picture
Restoration Ecology, Pollination Ecology, Native Bee Conservation, Agrobiodiversity
Daniel Sarna-Wojcicki's picture
Community-engaged research and policy advocacy for environmental justice
Research partnerships with Indigenous communities to support sovereignty and eco-cultural revitalization
Watershed governance, ecosystem rehabilitation, river and riparian restoration
Food security, Food sovereignty and Agroecology
Science and Technology Studies
Jade S. Sasser's picture
Population and environment, demography, climate change, family planning, international development, gender, race, medical anthropology, political ecology, science & technology studies, U.S., Africa
Lisa M. Schile's picture
Wetland Ecology, Climate Change Modeling
Linden Schneider's picture
Biogeochemistry, wetlands, contaminants, bioremediation
Mitchell Serota's picture
Conservation Biology, Movement Ecology, Predator-Prey Interactions, Community Ecology
Katherine Li Seto's picture
Marine Fisheries, Food Security, Sustainability Science, Conflict Studies, Governance, Africa
Avery Shawler's picture
carnivore-livestock conflict, predator-prey interaction, migration & movement ecology, working lands conservation, interdisciplinary research, qualitative methods
Yvonne Socolar's picture
Agroecology, diversified farming systems, dry farming, soil ecology, plant-soil-microbe interactions, climate change, human nutrition
Paige Stanley's picture
Agricultural policy; sustainable animal agriculture; soil C sequestration; integrated crop-livestock systems; diversified farming systems; sustainable grazing
Jared R Stapp's picture
Climate change adaptation, conservation, globalization, international political institutions, land use change, modeling, political ecology, remote sensing applications
Natalie J Stauffer's picture
Lake benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages, barcoding for applications in biomonitoring, genetics of mayflies, aquatic ecology
Emma Steigerwald's picture
Conservation biology, evolutionary ecology
Daniel Suarez's picture
Political ecology, science & technology studies, environmental politics & governance, institutional ethnography
Annie Taylor's picture
Remote sensing; GIS; Indigenous environmental stewardship; applied conservation; environmental justice; Indigenous data sovereignty; community partnership.
julia toro's picture
Race & Ethnicity, Natural Resource Management, Forestry
Jimmy Tran's picture
Carbon markets, climate policy, energy access, sustainable development.
Invasion Ecology, Population Ecology, Ecological Risk Assessment
Kristen Van Dam's picture
Restoration Ecology
Natalie van Doorn's picture
Dendroecology, forest biomass, tree demography, forest community ecology, tree neighborhood dynamics, competition, urban ecology
Amy Van Scoyoc's picture
Community ecology, protected area conservation, remote sensing, predator-prey interactions, social-ecological systems, human-wildlife conflict
Eric Waller's picture
Plant Biogeography, Fire Ecology
Tianxin Wang's picture
Biometeorology, Eddy Covariance, Surface Energy Balance, Evaporation, Remote Sensing
Laura T Ward's picture
Wild Bee Conservation & Ecology, Sustainable Agriculture
Michael D. Wasserman's picture
Environmental Endocrinology of Wild Primates
community forestry, social-ecological systems, California forest management, environmental justice
Hannah Welsh's picture
biogeochemistry, soils, nitrous oxide, climate change, metagenomics, renewable energy policy, end-use electrification, building decarbonization, international environmental policy, just transition
Ashton Wesner's picture
Political Ecology, Feminist Science and Technology Studies, Queer Studies, Settler-Colonial Studies, Critical Natural History, Museum Studies, Pacific Northwest
Jacob West-Roberts's picture
Microbial Ecology
Erin Westeen's picture
phenotypic evolution, comparative biology, evolutionary ecology, herpetology
Brian A. Whyte's picture
Sociobiology, Social evolution, Animal behavior, Parasitology, Chemical ecology, Major evolutionary transitions of individuality
Katherine M Wilkin's picture
Fire ecology
Jesse D. Williamson, Ph.D., M.C.P.'s picture
Critical Race Theory, Industrial Ecology, Political Ecology, Agroecology, STS
Claire Willing's picture
plant ecophysiology, plant-microbe interactions, fungal ecology, mycorrhizal fungi
Houston Wilson's picture
Agricultural entomology, agroecology, biological control, integrated pest management, landscape ecology, trophic ecology, political economy of agricultural development
Lauren Bahles WILSON's picture
Range ecology and management, endangered species, environmental policy, invasive weed management
1505446's picture
Freshwater ecology, ecological modeling, migratory patterns
Hannah M. Wood's picture
Phylogenetics, biogeography, arachnology
Wenjing Xu's picture
Movement Ecology, Rangeland Ecology, Conservation Biology, GIS & remote sensing, Science communication
Simona Balan's picture
Environmental Geochemistry, Biogeochemistry (of soils, oceans and the atmosphere), Stable Isotopes, Nutrient Cycles, Sulfur, Astrobiology, Environmental Education
Yu Zhang's picture
Theoretical ecology, coexistence, energy distribution, population dynamics, species interaction, MaxEnt
Predictive modeling, statistics, simulations, R
Annah Zhu's picture
political ecology, critical theory, global environmental governance, international conservation and development, deforestation in the tropics, resource extraction